

DSG believes the internet should be accessible to everyone.

DSG has chosen to voluntarily publish an accessibility statement, which is on this page.

Accessibility statement for dangerscience.com

This accessibility statement applies to the main dangerscience.com website only.

This website is run by Danger Science Limited. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. For example, that means you should be able to:

We’ve also made the website text as simple as possible to understand.

AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.

How accessible this website is

We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible:

Feedback and contact information

If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille:

We’ll consider your request and get back to you in 7 days.

If you cannot fill in the form on our ‘contact us’ page, call or email us using the details above.

Reporting accessibility problems with this website

We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, contact us using the details above.

Contacting us by phone or visiting us in person

In the UK, you may contact us using the Relay UK text relay service if you are D/deaf, hearing impaired or have a speech impediment. Just call 18001 0370 314 0156. Our call handlers are trained to take calls with Relay Assistants on the line, and if we need to call you back, we will contact you using your textphone or the Relay UK app.

We do not usually accept visitors to our offices, but if we are meeting you in person elsewhere, we can arrange a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter.

Find out how to contact us on our contact page, or use the contact details above.

Technical information about this website’s accessibility

The Danger Science Group is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. DSG is not a public sector body, but has chosen to voluntarily adhere to the regulations.

Compliance status

This website is fully compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard.

Non-accessible content

The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons.

Disproportionate burden

Some of our forms are built and hosted through third party software and ‘skinned’ to look like our website.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 20 August 2020. It was last reviewed on 20 August 2020.

This website was last tested on 20 August 2020. The test was carried out by the DSG software development team.

As this website is relatively small, we chose to test all its pages.

Last Edited on 2020-08-20

Speak to a dangerous scientist

0370 314 0156 9am – 6pm, Monday to Friday (Note: danger not guaranteed)